The Airplane Flying Handbook A Great Resource From the FAA

The Airplane Flying Handbook is an FAA or government document and is actually free! Its also one of the best books of its kind. I know, how can it be from the government, from the FAA and actually good and free? Yes, believe it, the FAA is here to help. This book is the best overall guide to flight you will find. In fact most of the books offered by many other companies similar to this book, are actually just regurgitations of the Handbook. The Handbook starts at the theory of flight and progresses to actually flying the airplane. It is actually written around, or maybe that's backwards. The test or exam that you take, both written and practical, are based on this book in a large part. So why not use the book they, the FAA, use to learn how to fly. I read a quote from someone when I was studying for my Instructor's Certificate. It said more or less, that the FAA examiners are looking for FAA answers so why not start with FAA information. The other great thing about this book, as I've already said, is its FREE! You can go to the FAA website and read it online or download any or all of it at no cost. I would say that its a book that you should buy in the long run. It will cost you more than the price of the book to print it and its easier to find information in a book rather than online. Its a little hard to thumb through a PDF file online. This is a book well worth your money. I still go back and refer to it on occasion. This is a link to the FAA website where you can find the free version.
The Airplane Flying Handbook
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